Understanding the Major Differences Between Commercial Cleaning and Residential

Although it may seem the duties of a commercial cleaner and residential one are the same, there are actually vast differences in the two. A business owner would likely not want to hire a residential company because it simply would not have the right equipment and tools to handle the job. Property owners need to understand the differences between commercial and residential cleaners, so they will know why commercial cleaners are so important.

Major Differences Between Commercial and Residential Cleaners

When hiring a Commercial Cleaning Company, there are some key differences building owners should be aware of. Residential cleaners are not the same and should not be hired to carry out the same duties as a commercial cleaner. The following are some of the most noticeable differences between the two.

When a company is hired, they will often provide commercial carpet cleaning services. Residential cleaning involves simple vacuuming which does not get down to the deepest levels of the carpet. When a commercial company is hired, they use heavy-duty equipment to extract dirt and allergens from deep within the carpeting. Commercial cleaners may employ hot water extraction or dry carpet cleaning, depending on the needs of the building.

Another key difference is mopping and waxing hard flooring. Residential cleaners use simple mops that are fine for small projects, but not efficient for expansive floors. A commercial cleaning company will use industrial cleaning tools to deeply clean and polish the flooring. The equipment they use provides a much deeper level of cleaning and allows for the job to be conducted in a timely manner.

When residential cleaners clean windows, they typically use paper towels and spray cleaner. A commercial cleaner will use razor tools and squeegees that are designed to thoroughly clean windows in an efficient manner. They will clean the inside and exterior of the windows for a company owner.

Hire the Professionals

When it comes to factory cleaning, most owners do not have time to devote to this task. Keeping their factory clean is essential for proper operations, but taking a DIY approach is rarely effective. Whether an owner needs office cleaning or any type of commercial building cleaning, it is wise for them to rely on the professionals to ensure their building is kept clean, inviting, and hygienic. If you are in need of these services call the office today to get started scheduling. They will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
